Friday, January 21, 2011

In Too Deep

In Too Deep Promo
Hey everyone! I watched this promo over and over again and here are some of my predictions.( click the link above)

1. Fiona is going to come on to Holly J
2. Eli has a flash back of his and Julia's fight
3. Eli "almost" gets into a car crash
Please comment below and tell me your predictions!


  1. a flashback of eli and julia would be interesting so i hope that prediction really comes to pass...and i think eli is going to get in an accident, i personally think it will be a sucicide attempt because on the promos he sounded a little er...umhinged.oh and fiona will definately come out to holly j. i wonder how HJ will take that?lol

  2. Yeah, I totally agree with you with the whole Eli trying to kill himself. And I bet you HJ will freak out!

  3. Hey Alexx, I enjoyed checking out your bog! ;) I certainly hope that Eli will get control of himself before long. He was doing so well with Clare last season! :P
